
RBK Credit Union Benchmarking Survey Results 2024

This report summarises the findings of a survey of Credit Unions conducted in March/April 2024. It reflects responses from 43 Credit Unions and financial data from 74 published annual reports. This represents €11.04b or 57.1% of the total asset size of the Credit Union movement in the State. (The sector asset size was approximately €20.87b across 192 Credit Unions at 30 September 2023).The Credit Unions included in our research range in size from €17m to €570m and represent a mix of both community and industrial Credit Unions. Prior year data has been updated to reflect additional information that became available after our 2023 Credit Union Benchmarking Report was published. Non-financial data in this year’s report refers to the current year to date and includes prior year comparisons where available.RBK Credit Union Benchmarking Report 2024


Navigating IT Governance 1.62 MB

Christie John, Director with Solution Out presented on 'Navigating IT Governance' at RBK's annual Credit Union Seminar in May 2024.


The Evolving Culture of Regulation 1.83 MB

Michelle O'Donoghue, Governance, Risk & Assurance Partner with RBK, presented on 'The Evolving Culture of Regulation' at our Annual Credit Union Seminar in May 2024.


Elevate your Workplace Culture 1.79 MB

Yvonne Clarke, HR Solutions Manager with RBK, presented on 'Elevate your Workplace Culture' at our Annual Credit Union Seminar in May 2024.


Credit Union Benchmarking Results 2024 - RBK Analysis 2.72 MB

Ronan Kilbane, Partner with RBK presented the results of our annual Credit Union Benchmarking Survey at our Credit Union Seminar in May 2024.


Doing Business in Ireland 2024

We are delighted to announce the release of the 2024 version of our long standing Doing Business in Ireland Guide. This is a great resource for businesses operating in Ireland, those considering setting up a business in Ireland or those just interested in investing in Ireland. Please contact one of our International team today if you would like to discuss any element in further detail, we would be very happy to assist you.RBK - Doing Business in Ireland 2024


Performance Management Support 1.45 MB

Elevate Your Team's Potential with our Performance Management Support Services. At RBK HR Solutions, we offer a comprehensive suite of services aimed to help define your business’s Performance Management Framework. We can assist you in enhancing organisational performance through the redesign of Performance Management systems, fostering a culture of continuous improvement, feedback, and goal alignment, and our experienced team ensure that you have step-by-step guidance and support throughout the entire process.


Treasury Hub Markets Bulletin - Q1 2024 Review 1.03 MB

Welcome to the 2024 Q1 version of THE TREASURY HUB Markets Bulletin.• The focus of markets in the first quarter was very much on inflation and its impact on the expected timing of interest rate cuts. While the consensus was that Central Banks had stalled their tightening of interest rates with the focus firmly on the timing (and number of) rate cuts, the number of cuts expected in 2024 has decreased as the year has progressed. • 3-month Euribor has remained in a relatively tight range around 3.90%, but it is unlikely that this will move in a material way until the ECB implements its first rate cut. • EUR, UK and US yield curves continue to be inverted (i.e. rates decline after 1 year) but the past few days have seen an upward shift in such curves, especially in the US, on the back of inflation figures that look static. • Oil prices were on the rise again in Q1 (mainly due to an improving economic outlook). • Stock markets had a much better start to the year than previously anticipated, with the major US tech stocks, for the most part, releasing strong 2023 financial results. • Both USD and GBP continued to trade in a remarkably tight range against EUR. • Gold has had a record run to new heights over the first quarter. • S.5 in this Bulletin takes a look back at the 2023 Irish Bank Results.


The Implications of the Amended Minimum Competency Code (MCC) 2023 for Credit Unions 471.53 KB

With effect from 1 October 2024, the MCC 2017 and MCR 2017 will apply to all in-scope activities for credit unions. These regulatory changes are being introduced with a view to ensuring that credit union members are afforded the same level of protection as consumers availing of similar products and services from other regulated entities. The MCC specifies certain minimum competencies for individuals and is closely linked with the Fitness and Probity Regime while the MCR places obligations on the credit union itself.


What next for the Commercial Real Estate Sector in 2024? 9.95 MB

RBK Chartered Accountants were joined by industry experts James Nugent, Senior Director at Lisney Ireland, Roisin Bennett, Head of Property at Reddy Charlton LLP and RBK’s VAT Director, John Moore, for insights into current market trends, legal considerations in commercial lettings and key VAT insights. Moderated by Ronan McGivern, Tax Partner with RBK.This event was of interest to real estate investors and businesses who may be considering moving property or varying an existing lease, as a landlord or a tenant.Date: Thursday, 11th April 2024 Venue: Clayton Hotel, Leopardstown and on-line


Employee Wellbeing & Engagement 526.75 KB

Elevate Your Workforce Wellbeing and EngagementAt RBK HR Solutions, we understand that a happy and engaged workforce is the backbone of any successful organisation.We offer a comprehensive suite of services aimed to enhance your Company's Wellbeing and Employee Engagement strategies, and our experienced team ensure that you have step-by-step guidance and support throughout the entire process.For more advice and support on Wellbeing and Employee Engagement, or to discuss our HR Services, please contact a member of the RBK HR Solutions Team.


Transparent & Predictable Working Conditions 435.15 KB

“HR and Payroll compliance are necessities for any business in today’s competitive environment. With the recent surge in WRC Inspection visits to business of all sizes across Ireland, adherence to employment rights legislation including the Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Regulations (2022) is now more critical than ever. A WRC inspection monitors employment and pay conditions to ensure compliance. Is your business compliant? For more advice and support on this, please contact Yvonne Clarke, HR Solutions, or Mary Byrne, Payroll Solutions, RBK
