
The Treasury Hub Update - March 2021 1007.78 KB

Welcome to the third edition of THE TREASURY HUB Banking and Treasury Markets Bulletin of 2021. It is 12 months since the first lockdown and the seismic impact on all of our lives. The changes required in the way we work have accelerated trends that had been emerging, but not all of it is negative. In fact, it could be a catalyst for a lot of positive developments. Of course, the impact has been very uneven – the hospitality/hotel sectors have been decimated while other sectors have thrived.


Treasury Hub Update - February 2021 895.72 KB

Welcome to the second edition of THE TREASURY HUB Banking and Treasury Markets Bulletin of 2021. It has been a very active start to 2021 on all fronts – currencies have made some material early moves, interest rates are moving up, stock markets are a little jittery while oil has raced ahead again.


Business Support Matrix Update 335.51 KB

As the funding supports available to help SMEs through this difficult Covid period are changing regularly, we have updated our Funding Matrix which we brought to you in 2020, to provide an easily accessible summary of the key financial schemes and other supports that are widely available to Irish businesses.


R&D Tax Credits Presentation with RBK & RDP Associates 3.66 MB

RBK Chartered Accountants and RDP Associates presented a webinar in March 2021 on R&B Tax Credits & Grants. Presenters were Fiona Murphy, International Tax & Business Advisory Partner with RBK and Brian Cookson, President & Managing Director, RDP Associates.


Irish VAT, UK VAT & Customs Considerations Presentation - RBK Bishop Fleming Swiftfile 1.66 MB

RBK, Bishop Fleming and Swiftfile presented at a webinar on 2nd March 2021 were they shared practical insights and provided guidance in relation to Irish VAT, UK VAT and Customs.


Swimming Against the Economic Tide 4.25 MB

Brendan O'Donoghue, Head of Restructuring & Insolvency, RBK Chartered Accountants and Mark Woodcock, Head of Insolvency & Litigation, Fieldfisher Ireland presented a webinar on 2 December 2020 which dealt with the practical and legal considerations faced by business owners, their customers and suppliers as 2021 beckons.


Treasury Hub Update - November 2020 1007.37 KB

Welcome to the second last edition of THE TREASURY HUB Banking and Treasury Markets Bulletin of 2020. While the year may be closing out, we still have the “minor” matters of Brexit and, for those in the hospitality and retail sectors, the Christmas run in. On the currency front, USD continues to hold in a EUR/USD1.1630 to EUR/USD1.1930 range. On the other hand, EUR/GBP has trended lower (strong GBP) since mid-September in the expectation that a hard Brexit will be avoided. This is expected to come to a head next week. From an investment perspective the DOW is now in positive territory for 2020 having fully recovered all of its March losses.Against a backdrop of a reluctance to borrow more to get out of this economic slowdown, the Enterprise Ireland (“EI”) Sustaining Enterprise Fund (“SEF”) has gained a lot of traction, primarily due to the inclusion of a grant element of up to €200k (or 50% of the total amount sought if this is less than €400k). One of the aspects of this process is that the relationship with your EI Development Advisor can be important. Similar to your banking relationship advisor, it may be beneficial to spend some time in 2021 with them in improving their knowledge of your business.Finally, section 5 in this month’s bulletin takes a look at Budget 2021 Considerations. Preparation of 2021 budgets should include some level of strategic business review for many companies.


Treasury Hub Update - October 2020 1.28 MB

This is the October edition of THE TREASURY HUB Banking and Treasury Markets Bulletin. 2020 has been a unique year for our country and society as a whole, but it has also had significant repercussions for business, banking and financial markets to date.On the currency front, the USD settled down to a range of around EUR/USD1.175 having materially weakened over the course of the summer. From an investment perspective, while all three equity indices that we track (ISEQ, FTSE and DOW) are still down in the year, the DOW is close to recovering to where it was at the start of 2020. On the Brexit front, talks are set to continue after insufficient progress was made in negotiations, thereby passing the mid-November deadline. Both sides continue to insist that a deal is possible. It remains to be seen whether we are witnessing the move to a hard Brexit or political statements being made for political purposes ahead of some level of compromise. What is clear is that a material number of Irish food companies remain very exposed to a hard Brexit with likely severe consequences for their profitability should that scenario materialise.


国 际服务 中国平台 328.16 KB

无论您是在爱尔兰经营自己的企业, 还是在一家国际公司工作, 或是刚移居到爱尔兰准备寻找新的工作或者建立新的事业, 我们都会为您的发展提供相应的服务与支持。 一般来说,爱尔兰的税务系统和法律比较复杂, 很难充分了解,尤其是在使用外语的情况下。 我们可以通过您熟悉的母语以易于理解的方式为您提供咨询服务,从而帮助您完成业务和您的财务目标。


China International Desk 513.9 KB

Whether you are running your own business in Ireland, an employee of an international corporation, moved to Ireland to find a new job or set up a new business – we are here to help. Understanding Irish tax systems and Irish laws can be complicated, especially in a foreign language. We can help you to achieve your business and financial goals by providing an advice in easy to understand manner and through your native language.


Budget 2021 Presentation - Fiona Murphy 1.49 MB

Fiona Murphy, Tax Partner, presented on Budget 2021 at the Budget Webinar held on Wednesday, 14th October 2020.


Budget Highlights 2021 3.33 MB

Highlights from Budget 2021 including business tax, farmer tax, personal tax, VAT, miscellaneous tax and tax credits.
