
Budget 2021 Presentation - Simon Barry 1.15 MB

Simon Barry, Chief Economist Republic of Ireland with Ulster Bank presented on Budget 2021 at the Budget Webinar held on Wednesday, 14th October 2020.


Budget 2021 Presentation - Alan Shaw 825.37 KB

Alan Shaw, President of Athlone Chamber, presented on Budget 2021 at the Budget Webinar held on Wednesday, 14th October 2020.


Business Supports Matrix Tracker September 2020 413.44 KB


Treasury Hub Update - August 2020 884.07 KB

This is the Summer edition of THE TREASURY HUB Banking and Treasury Markets Bulletin.On the currency front, the biggest mover has been the USD which has weakened considerably over the Summer and broken out of a downward (i.e. strengthening dollar) range that existed for almost two years.From an investment perspective while all three equity indices that we track (ISEQ, FTSE and DOW) are down in the year, the DOW is close to recovering to where itwas at the start of the year. The NASDAQ has continued to power ahead to new highs with Apple now valued at $2 trillion.On the Brexit front, UK/EU talks have recommenced but no news to report as yet. October is the deadline for any deal as it would have to be approved by all EU governments individually.It is likely there could be increased corporate activity in the remainder of the year, some negative (examinerships) and some more positive (mergers/acquisitions). Brexit will have a bigger impactthan is currently forecast as it could provide opportunities as well as threats. Banking will also become more challenging in Q4 as the banks could struggle to deal with the sheer scale of the intervention required for companies and sectors that will findthemselves challenged. Where possible, businesses should continue to avail of the financial planning grants from Enterprise Ireland and LEOs.


RBK Corporate Compliance & Governance Brochure 382.1 KB

RBK are delighted to share our new Corporate Compliance & Governance Brochure, highlighting our areas of expertise in a wide range of compliance services, which we offer to clients.


Workforce Restructuring 510.31 KB

The Return to Work Safety Protocol - COVID-19 Specific National Protocol for Employers and Workers (the "Protocol") sets a high bar for employers who have, or are preparing to, re-open their workplaces in phases over the coming weeks and months.How businesses emerge from the Covid 19 crisis will vary from sector to sector, and from business to business, but what is very clear is that the structure of the workforce and place of work will change fundamentally for most businesses.In this article we look at some of the HR and Tax issues to consider as businesses look at remodelling the workforce.


Tax Issue - Summer 2020 137.61 KB

Whilst Covid-19 has occupied the minds of most businesses for the last three months, the world of taxation does not stop. In this issue we provide an overview of the recent High Court case involving Perigo, which has raised some very interesting questions in relation to concepts of legitimate expectative in Irish tax law. We also review a number of interesting recent determinations of the Tax Appeals Commissioners. We look at updated Revenue guidance notes in relation to short term business visitors undertaking employment duties in Ireland. Finally we provide a summary of some international tax developments that Irish corporates need to be aware of including the changes in Ireland’s transfer pricing regime with effect from accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2020 and DAC 6 reporting obligations.


‘Back to your Business’ with RBK AIB & DLR Chamber 1.21 MB

On 30th June, RBK Partners Brendan O'Donoghue and Conor O'Brien were joined on a webinar by Oliver Mangan, Chief Economist, AIB, Deirdre Moore, Head of Business Banking, South Dublin, Yvonne Clarke, RBK HR Solutions Manager and Aileen Eglington, President, DLR Chamber for a timely discussion as Ireland’s SME’s return to trade and businesses re-open their doors. We took a look ahead to what the next 6-months may bring and explore strategies to sustain your business.


COVID-19 SME Business Supports Matrix Tracker May 2020 212.73 KB

Applications for the Restart Grant s now open and can be made via a simple online application form on your local Council website. The grant, which is targeted at helping businesses reopen in line with the National Roadmap, will be worth between €2,000 and €10,000 to each applicable business, based on 2019 rates. The Restart Grant is one of a number of measures and supports that have been made available to SMEs.Below is our quick guide to the main supports and as ever, we are available to assist in applying for and availing of these.


Treasury Hub Update - May 2020 966.89 KB

This is the May edition of THE TREASURY HUB Banking and Treasury Markets Bulletin. Despite the ongoing pandemic, there has been a bounce back in equity markets and a settling down of the interest rate markets following last month's volatility. EUR/GBP has also remained relatively stable for the month, however the decision on whether or not to extend the Brexit deadline date of 31 December 2020 will soon come into focus. FX volatility should therefore be accounted for in forecasts and budgets and it's management will increasingly be a key facet in the approval or otherwise of bank facilities and grant applications. So, as mentioned in last month's bulletin, poor currency management will likely cause a “triple whammy”: lower profits, higher interest costs and tighter loan terms and conditions. We continue to focus on banking in Section 5 of the bulletin.


Treasury Hub Update - May 2020 966.89 KB

This is the May edition of THE TREASURY HUB Banking and Treasury Markets Bulletin. Despite the ongoing pandemic, there has been a bounce back in equity markets and a settling down of the interest rate markets following last month's volatility. EUR/GBP has also remained relatively stable for the month, however the decision on whether or not to extend the Brexit deadline date of 31 December 2020 will soon come into focus. FX volatility should therefore be accounted for in forecasts and budgets and it's management will increasingly be a key facet in the approval or otherwise of bank facilities and grant applications. So, as mentioned in last month's bulletin, poor currency management will likely cause a “triple whammy”: lower profits, higher interest costs and tighter loan terms and conditions. We continue to focus on banking in Section 5 of the bulletin.


Aircraft Leasing 723.19 KB

RBK have significant knowledge of the aircraft leasing sector. We will bring value to the shareholders through our wealth of experience in dealing with the financial reporting, compliance and operational matters faced by entities operating in the aircraft leasing sector in Ireland.
