RBK Chartered Accountants delighted to invite you to our Annual Credit Union Seminar.
Our programme for the day includes our annual benchmarking survey results and recent developments in the sector.
There are currently a number of opportunities within the sector. Our seminar theme for this year centres around looking at these opportunities and how to take advantage of them via the Strategic plan, the HR function and the regulatory functions.
We are also excited to host a panel discussion with a number of Credit Union CEO’s to discuss their successes and learnings.
Take a look at this short video from our 2022 Credit Union Seminar.
9.30am Registration, Tea / Coffee / Refreshments
10.00am Welcome & Introduction
10.10am Benchmarking Results 2023
Ronan Kilbane, Partner, RBK
Results from the annual RBK Credit Union Benchmarking Survey
10.45am Talent Mobility - Creating Capacity & Capability within your Organisation
Yvonne Clarke, HR Solutions Manager, RBK
Capitalise on the talent that is already in your business - your next great hire could be one of your own employees. Create career agility whilst ensuring that you keep pace with the demands of the modern business landscape.
11.20am Break
11.45am Regulatory Update
Michelle O'Donoghue, Partner, RBK & Deirdre Ward, Manager, RBK
Moving the regulatory functions beyond compliance to become solution orientated functions with a forward thinking dynamic that aid strategic goals.
12.30pm Lunch
1.30pm Bringing your Strategy to Life
Colm O'Grady, Partner, RBK & Ciara Kelly, Managing Director, Futureneerz Being clear on your Why/What/How and using a Strategic framework and Culture plan in order that your business and people thrive - sharing a live case study and its application to Credit Unions to demonstrate how this can be done.
2.30pm Success Stories from Brave and Bold Leaders who have leveraged an opportunity to their advantage.
Panel discussion with high achievers in this area
3.30pm Conclusion & Close
Our offices are strategically located to service our market and are easily accessed from any location nationwide.